A student demonstrates how an EEG is performed in a Psychology class
Lewis College of Science and Letters


Discover a psychology degree that focuses on the science behind human behavior to impact positive change, while putting psychology into practice to create real-world solutions at Chicago’s only tech-focused university.

More in Psychology

Why Study Psychology at Illinois Tech?

Studying psychology at a technology-focused university in Chicago uniquely prepares students to launch their careers as counselors, teachers, clinicians, researchers, and more. Illinois Tech offers bachelor’s and master’s in psychology, in addition to Ph.D. options. Psychology students are working alongside computer and data scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and researchers every day, applying their insights in a project-based environment. By understanding how and why people do what they do, students studying psychology at Illinois Tech are helping to build a more inclusive, human-focused future. 

Elizabeth Dougherty

Exploring the Link Between Eating Disorders and Mental Health

Clinical psychology Ph.D. student Elizabeth Dougherty has been recognized for her research investigating the connection between mental health and eating disorders.

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A Clinical Perspective

Assistant Professor of Psychology Alissa Haedt-Matt, an expert on eating disorders and body image, takes a deeper look at selfie culture for National Selfie Day.

Patrick Corrigan Speaking

Shaking Off the Stigma

Patrick Corrigan is a distinguished professor of psychology and the principal investigator of the National Consortium for Stigma and Empowerment, an Illinois Tech-based research group advancing recovery from mental illness by understanding stigma and promoting empowerment.

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Tackling Gun Violence as a Public Health Issue

Associate Professor of Psychology Arlen Moller offers a course designed to give students the tools to explore this issue from a public health and communications perspective.

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Featured Faculty

The faculty of the Department of Psychology are dedicated to wide-ranging research spanning the fields of clinical psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and counseling and rehabilitation science.

Jonathan Larson
Associate Professor of Psychology Chair, Department of Psychology Executive Director, Center for Research and Service
Kristina Bauer
Associate Chair, Department of Psychology Associate Professor of Psychology
Eun Jeong Lee
Professor of Psychology

“I love the fact that all the professors here want students to gain experience and get involved. My first semester, halfway in I received a lab position with Kristina Bauer's Psychology Laboratory. I was so excited to be able to participate and create a new study from the beginning; I got to input ideas and help out with designing the possible study. The lab position also opened up my connections to psychology graduate students and other people within the department who have great advice. They have been very influential and helpful with my future plans.”

—Julia Honda (Psychology 2nd Year)

Julia Honda

Contact Psychology



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Department of Psychology
Tech Central
3424 South State Street, Room 201
Chicago, IL 60616