PhD in Management Science

Management Science and Analytics (Ph.D.)

Develop high-level quantitative, modeling, and analytical expertise that prepares you for careers in academia, research, industry, and consulting.

The Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics program prepares graduates to identify pressing issues facing the business community, structure problems and gather data, and create innovative, impactful analysis and solutions.

Emphasizing both analysis and synthesis, the program delivers a comprehensive, advanced education in how to apply quantitative methods, analytical tools, and computer models to complex decision-making in business, finance, and other disciplines. Through rigorous courses and dissertation work, students master a data-intensive approach to management science and research methodologies that can be applied to any aspect of business.

This program is selective and small, offering a high degree of mentorship and interaction between faculty and students, with ample opportunities to conduct cutting-edge research alongside faculty experts.

After completing all the required Ph.D. coursework and the Ph.D. qualifying and comprehensive exams, students often gain practical experience through internships, which creates new opportunities to analyze data and case studies that are potentially useful for pursuing a doctoral dissertation. Students are also encouraged to serve in teaching and research assistant positions to gain valuable teaching or practical research experience.

Our doctoral students gain relevant, cross-disciplinary experience that prepares them to be business innovators and leaders in academia, industry, government, and consulting.

STEM-Designated Program

This is a STEM-designated program, and international graduates of the program are eligible to apply for an extension for Optional Practical Training, which allows selected students to stay and work in the United States for up to three years after graduation.

Program Overview

The Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics program focuses on developing sophisticated research, quantitative, and analytical skills that students can apply to create innovative, impactful solutions to challenges in any area of business. Mentored by Stuart faculty, our graduates have the rigorous academic preparation and practical experience to thrive in business and academic careers.

Career Opportunities

Ph.D. graduates from Stuart School of Business are prepared to excel at careers in academia as well as executive and management positions in the business, government, and consulting sectors.

The program’s graduates are in positions at companies and universities such as:

  • Amazon
  • BMO Harris
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • City University of New York
  • Commercial Bank of China
  • Discover Financial Services
  • East China Normal University
  • Efficient Capital Management
  • Envestnet Asset Management
  • Federal Home Loan Bank
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
  • Kean University (New Jersey)
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Wells Fargo
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The Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics requires a minimum of 72 credit hours after the undergraduate degree. Courses are three credit hours each, unless otherwise noted.

Basic Core Requirements (12 credit hours)
MSC 511—Mathematical Economics I - Microeconomics
MSC 512—Econometrics and Statistics I
MSC 514—Mathematical Economics II - Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
MSC 515—Econometrics and Statistics II
HUM 601—Teaching Assistant Seminar (no credit hours)

Advanced Core Requirements (six credit hours)
MSC 611—Philosophy of Management
MSC 612—Advanced Research Methods

Analytics Requirements (18 credit hours)
MSC 615—Predictive Analytics
MSC 616—Social Media Marketing Analytics
MSC 651—Quantitative Marketing Models
MSC 652—Supply Chain Analytics
MSC 653—Current Topics in Marketing Analytics
MAX 502—Analytics for Decision Making

Additional Courses (12 credit hours)
Transferred credits from a master’s degree awarded to the student before entering the Ph.D. program.

Ph.D. Research (24 credit hours)
MSC 691—Research and Thesis Ph.D. (24 credit hours)

Additional Information

For students who enter this program after completing a master’s degree (other than M.S. in Management Science and Analytics) from Stuart or from another institution, the program allows the transfer of up to 12 credit hours from the completed M.S. degree. Taken together, these 12 transfer credit hours, 36 credit hours of Ph.D. seminar coursework, and 24 credit hours of dissertation research will account for the required 72 credit hours after the undergraduate degree needed to graduate with a Ph.D. degree.

Students enrolled in the Stuart M.S. in Management Science and Analytics program (MS-MSC) who transfer to the PhD-MSC program will complete 48 credit hours of required graduate coursework (this includes any uncompleted core/elective courses in the MS-MSC program, uncompleted but required PhD-MSC coursework, and other customized courses as suggested by the PhD-MSC program director), and 24 credit hours of dissertation research to complete the required 72 credit hours.

Students are required to successfully pass the Ph.D. qualifying and comprehensive exams, complete the Ph.D. dissertation, and satisfy other program requirements in order to graduate with a Ph.D. degree.

Program of Study

Stuart requires that at least the first two years of study be completed on a full-time basis. After completion of coursework and qualifying/comprehensive exam requirements, the dissertation research may be done off campus if suitable arrangements for supervision are made.

When a student is ready to begin dissertation research work, the dean of Stuart will appoint a mutually acceptable research adviser to supervise the student’s research. The student will work with the adviser to form a dissertation committee (composed of at least four full-time faculty members including the adviser, one of whom will be a representative from outside the student’s field) before beginning work on a dissertation project that must be an original investigation of high quality. Students are required to defend a dissertation proposal before the dissertation committee. After the dissertation project is completed, the student will appear before the dissertation committee to defend the dissertation project. Usually, the dissertation proposal defense and the dissertation defense are at least six months apart.

Full-time students usually take five years, though may take up to six years to complete the degree. After six years, students may petition for an extension, but they must reapply to the program and may be required to retake a comprehensive examination.

  • Completed Online Application
  • Official transcript submission with a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • GMAT or GRE scores are required
  • A one-page statement of purpose, with goals and objectives
  • Three to four letters of recommendation from professors or employers
  • English proficiency exam, if required

Applicants to the Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics program must have completed a master’s degree with a graduate level business core, or a master’s in finance or equivalent degree. For applicants who have a master’s degree but have not completed the business core, some prerequisite courses will be required.

This program is selective and small with a high degree of interaction between faculty and students, and a mentor relationship with a faculty adviser. The Ph.D. committee carefully matches the interest of the student with the expertise of the faculty member.

Fall Semester Admission Only
Given the prescribed sequence of required courses, new students are only admitted to this program in the fall semester of each year.

Claire Johnson, Stuart School of Business

Have Questions? Connect with Us

For any questions about Stuart School of Business degree programs or the application and enrollment process, contact our Director of Student Recruitment Claire Johnson.


The Stuart Doctoral Scholarship is available for select students pursuing a Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics. Scholarship values vary; in academic year 2024–25 the maximum award is $25,500 ($425 per credit hour, with a maximum of 60 credit hours of coverage) and the Doctoral Scholarship may only be applied toward Stuart tuition charges. Read more about Stuart scholarship opportunities and tuition and fees:

Stuart Scholarships   Tuition and Fees

Sang Baum Kang

Mentors and Colleagues in Research

Stuart School of Business faculty are not just research mentors for doctoral students. Frequently they are colleagues with their students and recent graduates on research papers published in top scholarly journals. See a list of recent research collaborations and use the link below to learn more about the vibrant research community at Stuart.

Research at Stuart

“The Stuart professors are among the most professional academics I have ever met and their commitment to my personal and professional growth was among the best I have experienced. I learned what is required to conduct high-quality research and became a trained academic. I will carry with me many faculty connections that will be beneficial to my professional development for the rest of my life.”

— William Gogolak (Ph.D. MSC ’22), Assistant Teaching Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

William Gogolak

Stuart Stands Out


Career Placement Rate

—Stuart School of Business 2022 master’s and Ph.D. graduates reporting

AACSB logo

Stuart is AACSB Accredited. Only 6% of Business Schools Globally Are.

—Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International


Your Choice: Complete Your Ph.D. Full-time or Part-time

Experiences to Build Your Career Path

  • Assistantships with Stuart faculty members provide opportunities for Ph.D. students to take on roles in the classroom, research, or academic program administration.
  • Program Director Siva K. Balasubramanian works closely with doctoral students interested in academic careers to arrange adjunct teaching positions at universities and colleges in the Chicago area.
  • For students looking toward careers in industry, nonprofit organizations, and government, Illinois Tech’s unique Elevate program guarantees opportunities for internships and other hands-on experiences.

Featured Faculty

Siva Balasubramanian
Associate Dean Director, Management Science Programs and Faculty Review Harold L. Stuart Endowed Chair in Business Professor of Marketing
Smriti Anand
Assistant Director, Master of Business Administration Professor of Management
Haizhi Wang
Professor of Finance
Seungho Baek and John F.O. Bilson

Research that Creates Knowledge

The example of faculty research at Stuart led Seungho Baek (Ph.D. MSC ’13) to pursue an academic career. “The Stuart Ph.D. program creates an environment where students can freely knock on professors’ office doors,” says Baek, shown here celebrating graduation with his thesis adviser, Professor of Finance John Bilson.

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Flexibility to Pursue a Master’s or Doctorate

Students’ career objectives can change while they are in graduate school and the Stuart School of Business programs in management science and analytics provide flexibility for students:

  • Students who initially enrolled in the M.S. program in Management Science and Analytics may subsequently apply to the Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics program. If admitted, students can apply the core courses in management science that they have already completed toward their Ph.D. program.
  • A Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics student who has completed 33 graduate credits in the program may choose to graduate with an M.S. in Management Science and Analytics degree, instead of completing the Ph.D. in Management Science and Analytics degree.

Move Your Career Forward

Alumni relations

A global network of accomplished Illinois Tech alumni is available to engage with and support our students.

Career development

Stuart’s Career Management Center offers individualized career counseling, resources for job and internship search, and opportunities to network with industry professionals.