Statistics (B.S.)
Harness the fundamental mathematical, statistical, and computational tools that are essential for analyzing large data sets with Illinois Tech’s B.S. in Statistics.
Statisticians remain one of the most sought-after professionals today, in part because of the increased reliance on data-based decision making.
Open career paths as a statistician, analyst, or data scientist in the fields of business, government, and academia with Illinois Tech’s technically intensive and mathematically rigorous Bachelor of Science in Statistics .
Master the fundamentals of mathematical and statistical theory. Work with data and statistical models, perform and communicate statistical analyses, and study societal impacts and ethical issues of statistical practices.
Gain valuable leadership skills by collaborating with students from across disciplines to solve real-world problems. Small class sizes allow for meaningful interactions with faculty, and open opportunities to work on cutting-edge projects with the Department of Applied Mathematics statistics research group to gain a competitive advantage after graduation.
Program Overview
Harness the mathematical underpinnings that are used to build AI models. Comprehend the tools to separate the signal from the noise in data sets. Open career paths as statisticians, analysts, and data scientists in business, government, and academia through a technically intense and mathematically rigorous B.S. in Statistics program.
Career Opportunities
A statistics degree opens career opportunities in a wide variety of industries and the public sector. Prepare for gainful employment in public policy, finance, software, advertising, sports, or the pharmaceutical industry, and many other fields. The ability to analyze and extract actionable knowledge from data is crucial to all human endeavors and can be applied diverse range of interests:
- Statistician
- Analyst (Business, Data, Risk, etc)
- Data Scientist
- Machine learning engineer
- Economist
- Environmental Scientist
- Biostatistician
- Operational Researcher
- Researcher
- Actuary
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that employment of mathematicians and statisticians is projected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations.
See more examples of math and statistics careers.
Admission to Illinois Tech is required to enroll in the B.S. in statistics program. Consult your academic advisor to transfer into the program.
Not what you're looking for? View all of Illinois Tech's programs in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computation, and data science.
High Demand
Statisticians are in high demand for their problem-solving and analytical skills across a variety of fields and industries.
Top STEM Jobs, data analyst
Mean annual salary for statisticians
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

A New Purpose in Stats
A biostatistics summer research opportunity allowed Virginia Reider to explore a new application for her math skills—and built the confidence that she needs to pursue a new career path.
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