Accelerated Master’s Program

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The Accelerated Master’s Program allows students to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in as few as five years. The program provides students with the ability to design their own customized academic journeys. Choose from either a pre-determined pairing of bachelor’s and master’s degrees, or work with your adviser to select your own pairing that matches your interests. The program consists of two offerings:

Co-Terminal (AMP-CT)

  • For Illinois Tech undergraduates with at least 12 credits left toward their undergraduate degree
  • Tuition is billed at the undergraduate rate
  • Click here to learn more

Advanced Standing (AMP-AS)

  • For Illinois Tech undergraduate students who have fewer than 12 credits left toward their undergraduate degree, or Illinois Tech alumni who have graduated within the past three years
  • Nine credits from the undergraduate degree are applied toward the graduate program, reducing the time to completion by one semester
  • Click here to learn more

amp degree programs 

Information Sessions

Current undergraduate students are invited to attend upcoming information sessions to explore the Accelerated Master's Program.

  • Wednesday, November 10 at 6 p.m. CST Register
  • Tuesday, November 16 at 12:45 p.m. CST Register

Application Deadlines

  • August 1 for fall semester
  • December 1 for spring semester
  • May 1 for summer semester


Benefits of the Accelerated Master’s Program


Average salary for graduates with an accelerated master’s degree*

*Starting salary for 2020 graduates. Data reported through First Destinations survey administered to students within six months of graduation.


Average salary for graduates with a bachelor’s degree only (2021)

“With the [accelerated master’s] program you have to take 10 courses from an entire list, so you’re able to say, ‘I’m really interested in diffusion, so I’m going to take a class specifically on that…I’m excited to get a little more in-depth and variety of knowledge than I would get from just an undergraduate degree.”

Megan Burrill (MSE/M.S. ’22)