
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in recruiting Illinois Tech students and alumni. Our services aim to match employers to the best candidates for your positions.

Illinois Tech is fully open for employers to engage in recruiting activities on campus, and will also support a wide range of virtual activities as well.

We are happy to support you to host in-person and virtual events such as:

  • Webinars
  • Career talks (industry themes)
  • Company spotlights
  • Résumé review sessions
  • Mock interview sessions
  • Lunchtime in-person information table

Please complete our Recruiting Request form to let us know how you would like to engage our students..

We are also happy to assist in further ways in your outreach. We can share job postings with students, create résumé books based on your criteria, and connect you with faculty. Please contact our Associate Director of Employer Engagement and Outreach, Celestine McGee, at cmcgee1@iit.edu if you would like to discuss these options.


Fall 2024 Career Fair Schedule:

On-Campus Career Fairs: Wednesday, September 25th & Thursday, September 26th

Virtual Career Fair hosted by Jobs Connected: Thursday, October 3rd 

Experiential Learning @ Illinois Tech

Hands-on learning is a core piece to the success of the Illinois Tech educational experience, and we manage that through our innovative Elevate program.  For Elevate to be truly robust, it requires strong partnerships with industry to provide students with the professional touch points they need to understand the career pathways that best combine their interests and aptitudes.  

While we are open to excellent experiential learning ideas from industry, we seek partnership with industry with the following experiential learning opportunities:

  • Cooperative Education - Launching Fall 2024!
  • Internships
  • Micro-internships
  • Competitions and Hackathons
  • Job Shadows and Externships
  • Immersion experiences
  • Industry Panels and Educational Information Sessions

Please reach out to Lisa Montgomery, Director of Employer Engagement, at lisa.montgomery@iit.edu if you are interested in partnering with us on any of these experiential learning opportunities.  If you are specifically interested in the Cooperative Education program, please fill out our Co-op Interest form and we'll be sure to reach out!

Recruitment Quick Links


For information about other ways to recruit on campus or get involved at Illinois Tech, click through the navigation panel or email recruit@iit.edu.

Other Career Centers at Illinois Tech

Illinois Tech’s Stuart School of Business, Institute of Design, and Chicago-Kent College of Law do not use Illinois Tech’s Career Services. See the links below to visit their career centers.