Application Deadline: Osaka, Japan summer study abroad program



Illinois Institute of Technology

Open to Illinois Tech undergraduates in all majors, the Lewis College faculty-led summer study abroad program gives students the opportunity to have an international experience while earning credits to fulfill their degree requirements. The next session will be held July 2-29, 2018 in Osaka, Japan.

Osaka is Chicago’s sister city. Much like Chicago, Osaka is famous for its food and friendly people. You will get to know this global city through course excursions and have the opportunity to explore the wider Kansai region with day trips to Kyoto, Kobe, Himeji, Nara, and Mt. Koyasan. Courses are scheduled three days a week to allow for easy weekend travel, and Tokyo is just three hours away by bullet train. This program involves direct cultural exchange with students and faculty at Osaka City University.

Application Deadline: Thursday, February 1, 2018