Biomedical Engineering at IIT - Opportunities for Mathematical Approaches




E1 106


The Department of Biomedical Engineering has been established since 2000. It currently has 10 tenure track faculty members, two research faculty , 29 doctoral students and approximately 150 undergraduate students. The Department has focused on the areas of Cell and Tissue Engineering, Neural Engineering and Medical Imaging. Through the Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering, BME and other faculty in other departments at IIT are involved in projects associated with a joint center with UC, the Center for Integrated Neuroscience and Neuroengineering Research (CINNR), the Medical Imaging Research Center (MIRC) and the Engineering Center for Diabetes Education and research (ECDRE), the latter two of which are at IIT. Numerous areas in these biological areas involve the application of mathematical techniques. A selection of areas and the potential need for additional faculty and students with such capabilities will be presented.
