A Boundary Integral Method for Computing the Motion of a Bead in a 3-Dimensional Linear Viscoelastic Fluid
Department of Applied Mathematics
In this project, the speaker wants to study the interactions of two particles moving in a 3-dimensional linear viscoelastic fluid. Previously, this was done for a 2-dimensional axisymmetric case; however, the motions of the particles were limited to the axis of symmetry. Using a correspondence principle between unsteady stokes flow and linear viscoelasticity, Hernandez establishes a boundary integral formulation. To evaluate the single-layer integral, he uses a series of rotations and variable transformations. Using a known analytical solution, he compares the numerical results for a single bead. His numerical scheme for the evaluation of the integral is sixth-order accurate for both the 'backward' problem and the 'forward' problem. He also shows that his numerical scheme only depends on the magnitude of the frequency parameter.
Event Topic
Stochastic & Multiscale Modeling and Computation