Cell Phone Forensic Software Tools - Guest Lectures




IIT's Rice Campus at 201 East Loop Road in Wheaton

Guest Lectures on Cell Phone Forensic Software Tools
Monday November 10, 2014 at IIT's Rice Campus, Room 166 (Auditorium)

IIT School of Applied Technology will have two guest lectures discussing cell phone forensic software tools. The lectures are open to all attendees and are part of the ITMS 555 Mobile Cyber Forensics course.

The lecturers are graduates from the School of Applied Technology's Cyber Forensics and Security program. They will be discussing software tools developed by viaForensics, a local company that is one of the world leaders in cell phone forensics.

Abstracts and Speaker Information

Data present on a mobile device might consist of one or more artifacts crucial to an investigation including contact lists, call records, photos, downloads, messages (emails, text messages, and instant messages), application-specific information (such as a list of Facebook friends), and information about the device itself (such as a list of all of the applications that are installed as well as which WiFi access points the device has been configured to automatically connect to). viaForensics' viaExtract software has been designed to assist the forensic investigator with its ability to perform various types of data extractions on a wide range of devices running the Android mobile operating system and, soon, Apple's iOS mobile operating system. Ben will discuss and demonstrate viaExtract's data extraction capabilities as well as other features that have been implemented to assist with the investigation process.

Ben Khodja is currently a graduate student in IIT's Master of Cyber Forensics and Security (MCFS) program completing his thesis work in steganography while on leave from viaForensics. In addition to Ben's work in cell phone forensics, he has developed one of the best MP3 Steganalysis tools available. Ben recently presented this work at a national ACM conference.

viaLab, a recently announced product from viaForensics, will be described: What it does and how it's helpful for security-minded analysts. Different areas of mobile security will be discussed to understand how the tool can help running forensic, network and code analysis. There will be examples using real-world apps and quick demos to highlight some of the features. Also discussed will be the CE edition, and some of the exciting stuff planned for the product.

Terence Fernandes, since he graduated over two years ago, has been with viaForensics, first as a forensics analyst and now as a Mobile Security Engineer and the Team Lead for the viaLab product. Terence is a graduate of the IIT's School of Applied Technology with a Master's in Computer and Network Security.