ECE Co-Terminal Information Session




Wishnick Hall Auditorium (113), 3255 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60617

Please join Dr. Jafar Saniie, Chair of the ECE Department as he explains the benefits and process of the Co-Terminal Bachelors/Masters Programs within the ECE Department.

Take advantage of the Co-Terminal Program
• Complete both your Bachelors and Master’s Degree in five years 
• Use your undergraduate scholarships to pay for your Master’s Degree

Who is this for: All Undergraduate students with at least a 3.0 or better and at least a semester of 12 credit hours or more left before graduating who are interested in attaining a master's degree in one year. All freshman ECE students were told they were already in the Co-Terminal program but never completed a Co-Terminal application. Please come to find out the process for applying. If interested, fill out the form and tell us you are coming. Refreshments will be served.