Engineering Themes: What is IIT Engineering Themes?




Perlstein Hall Auditorium10 W. 33rd St. Chicago, IL 60616
What are the Engineering Themes and why are they so important to engineers like you? Water, Health, Energy and Security, "The Themes", are important global concerns that need better engineering solutions. Learn how participating in IIT Engineering Themes can help you build a better knowledge of engineering outside of the classroom and improve your marketability when you graduate as an engineer. Your participation in IIT Engineering Themes is captured in your online portfolio. On Monday, February 4th you will be automatically enrolled in the upgraded portfolio, now in Blackboard. Learn how being a part of Engineering Themes can earn you recognition at Commencement, and help shape your time at Illinois Tech. Earn Themes Credit in All Themes To get Credit you must complete the assignment listed in Blackboard