Hard-Constraint Spin Systems: Some Results and Questions




E1 106


David Galvin
University of Notre Dame


In last week's Menger Lecture, Peter Winkler discussed the use of combinatorial methods in Statistical Physics. My talk will continue this theme, focusing on hard-constraint spin systems.

A hard-constraint spin system is one in which space, modeled by some lattice graph, is occupied by particles that each take one of a given set of ``spins''. There are some ``hard constraints'' in the system: certain pairs of spins are forbidden from appearing on neighboring vertices of the lattice. Each spin is given a weight, measuring how likely it is to appear in a configuration. This gives rise to a natural probability distribution on the space of configurations.

One may ask many interesting questions about a given model: How many configurations are there? What does a typical one look like? Does the model exhibit long-range correlation (that is, can revealing the appearance of a randomly chosen configuration at one side of the lattice give non-trivial information about the appearance at another distant site)?

In this talk, I'll discuss some of these questions for a few of the most-studied hard-constraint spin systems, such as the hard-core and zero-temperature Potts model, and mention some intriguing open questions.
