ITMT 492-593 Embedded Systems and IoT Final Presentations




IIT Main Campus in the McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) Auditorium

Service Oriented Travel System
An Arduino-Android interface which will relay 2-wheel machine travel data to the user (rider) of the vehicle through an Android application. The Android application will communicate with the Arduino on the back end and provide user data in the form of a graphical interface on the front end. Emphasis of this project will be for motorcycle use. This travel system will take the form of a smart travel computer that can be used in a variety of applications and a universal application.
Student: Douglas Wilhelm

Clothing Based Proximity Sensors for the Visually Impaired
Creating sensory units powered by solar panels for clothing to be used in proximity sensing for visually impaired
Students: Youjung Choi, Yelim Kim, Neilabh Okhandiar, and Changyul Oh

Mecosystem is your own personal ecosystem: Through the process of aquaculture and hydroponics we can grow food by fertilizing plants with fish waste. The plants in turn clean the water of the aquarium for the fish. Putting an embedded system in the ecosystem enables users to control the lights, pump, and temperature right from their computer. It also provides the PH, temperature, and humidity of the system in real-time.
Student: Christopher Hannon (CS)

WiFi Enabled Sensor Robot
A small robot platform with sensors that can be programmed to collect and report various pieces of environmental data through WiFi.
Students: Igor de Sousa Dantas, Rodrigo Moreno Garcia, Leonardo Pavanatto Soares, Pedro Henrique de Brito Souza, and Nicolas Ribeiro Vieira

Personal Rave Machine
MIDI signal is used to control synthesizers and music production workflow to not only create sound but to also express it with bright RGB LEDs that take the music making and listening experience to the next level.
Student: Rytis Bizauskas

Small Computers and Motion Detection
Using small Arduino based computers to integrate camera and motion detection systems into vehicles.
Students: Jason Hedlund and Mark Sherman