Tech to the Future




Hermann Hall

Join us to meet incredible faculty members, students and corporate partners as they demo their latest research, projects, and products related to immersive technology at the intersection of art and engineering.

From our students

  • The Illinois Tech HyperLoop team will demo their working hover pod
  • A student led HyperHack team will run a high tech scavenger hunt. One persistent and skilled student will WIN an ultralight LG GRAM Laptop
  • IEEE students will demo controlling cars with brain waves and autonomous robots

From our faculty

From our partners

  • LG will showcase the latest tech to meet the needs of educators and students
  • SHI takes procurement to the next level
  • UGC helps administrators host digital events
  • AWS will talk about competitions and certificates that help students succeed and have fun

Event Contact

April Welch
Associate Vice President, Strategic Initiatives Director, Esports and Digital Arts Director, Exelon Summer Institute

Getting to Campus