Mathematics Camp

Eligibility Requirements

  • Rising ninth through 12th graders. 
  • Students participating in Illinois Tech online summer programs must be at least 14 years old to participate.
  • The program will take place online using the Zoom platform. In order for the program to be as interactive as possible, students are encouraged to use their webcam during the synchronous sessions. View our Zoom privacy policy




Session One: June 10–14

This session will take place from 9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. CST

Program Description

Many people see math as nothing but a subject with a lot of incomprehensible rules to remember. However, mathematics is not just about numbers, equations, and rules—it’s more than that. Yet most people have not seen a well-constructed mathematical proof on the infinitude of primes, or know how it can be used to solve problems ranging from optimizing web searches to taking a picture of a black hole in the center of the galaxy (M87). Changing the inaccurate perceptions of mathematics and introducing students to mathematics that are not typically seen in school are the main objectives of this program.

Learning Objectives

  • To enhance the participant’s problem-solving skills and abstract reasoning
  • To immerse students in the areas of mathematics not typically seen in high school
  • Enable students to appreciate the usefulness, power, and beauty of mathematics
  • Enable students to communicate mathematical ideas and present mathematical arguments, both written and orally, using proper mathematical notation and terminology


Questions about the application process? Email them to