Engineering Student-Led Project Program Request for Proposal Period Now Open


Armour College of Engineering is now accepting proposals for engineering students, student groups or student organizations who would like to request funding for projects that will positively impact the Illinois Tech and Armour College community. The deadline for proposals is Wednesday, February 21, 2018. Proposals must contain the following information: Section 1: Student/Group Information (one page)

  • Name of student/group/organization.
  • Illinois Tech financial account number assigned to your group (if applicable)
  • If a group, but not a registered organization, how did your group form? What assurance do we have that your group will remain intact and active for the duration of the project?
  • Contact information for all project members, with proposal point person and a media contact indicated
  • Faculty advisor or other sources of advisory support
  • Summarize any outreach or Armour College of Engineering support your group has provided (e.g., high school outreach, participation in Armour College of Engineering Alumni events)

Section 2: Project Information (two pages maximum)

  • Briefly summarize the project you are proposing
  • What is the benefit of this project to the project team (e.g., career goals, job search, graduate school, entrepreneurial activities)?
  • What is the benefit of this project to the Armour College of Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, and the broader Illinois Tech community? Be specific, and include information on how you will engage other students in the outcome of your project and bring back to the Armour/Illinois Tech community.
  • Include a brief schedule for your project including the completion date (no more than half a page

Section 3: Project Funding (two pages maximum)

  • Specify the dollar amount you are requesting with an itemized breakdown (no more than one page)
  • Describe your fundraising efforts to date and future plans
    • Requested from the Armour College of Engineering
    • Secured from other sources
    • Requested from other sources
    • Planned activities to raise additional funds
  • Have you previously been funded by the Armour College of Engineering? Please specify the activity/amount funded
  • If you were previously funded by the Armour College of Engineering under this program, please also attach the final report you submitted for your previous funding

All proposals will be reviewed by the Armour College of Engineering Distinctive Education Council. Funding will be granted on the basis of its possible significance within the Illinois Tech/Armour College Community.