MSED Led Two Major Symposia at the 2017 European Science Education Research Association Conference


Faculty and doctoral students of the Mathematics and Science Education Department were invited to present symposia, research presentations, and workshops at the 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA). The conference was held in Dublin, Ireland, August 21-25, 2017, hosted by Dublin City University and the University of Limerick.

Participants included Illinois Tech faculty Norman Lederman, Distinguished Professor, and Judith Sweeney Lederman, associate professor and director of teacher education, and doctoral candidates Selina Bartels, Dion Gnanakkan, Dawnne LePretre, Juan Jimenez Pavez and Katherine Rupe.

Of particular note was an18-country collaborative research project on students' understandings of scientific inquiry. The second symposium highlighted the quality and diversity of articles published in the Journal of Science Teacher Education. The session also emphasized the international nature of the articles as well as the breadth of foci related to science teacher education.

Formed in April 1995, ESERA aims to enhance the range and quality of research and research training in science education in Europe and foster links between science education researchers in Europe and similar communities elsewhere in the world. It is one of the most prominent research organizations in science education worldwide.