MSED Partners with Intel China to Instruct Beijing Science Teachers
Beijing Normal University and Intel China will be sponsoring 40 secondary science teachers to participate in a two-week workshop at IIT in July 2013 focusing on the improvement of science teaching. The teachers will be working with Professors Judith and Norman Lederman from Mathematics and Science Education. The Ledermans provided professional development for teachers from Beijing Normal University this past October in China, and both the university and Education Program Officers of Intel China were so impressed they have decided to send teachers from schools that have earned the prestigious School of Distinction Award (SODA) for more professional development at IIT. Teachers will be submitting applications for a highly selective process that will enable some of China's best teachers to travel to Illinois Institute of Technology. The two weeks will focus on the enhancement of inquiry in science classrooms, the integration of engineering and the performing arts into the science curriculum, and the use of informal science education venues (e.g., museums, zoos). Additional plans are currently under way to have students from Chinese high schools also visit IIT for a summer science camp.