Students Showcase Work at IPRO Day


IPRO Day on April 24 provided an opportunity for students in IPRO 479 Student New Venture Development and Entrepreneurship Cluster—taught by Nik Rokop, Industry Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship—to showcase their work to the IIT community.

IIT Stuart undergraduate students Katy Banks and Pranav Manpuria showcased BonaParty, a free event registration app. The app holds registrants accountable to attend events for which they register by allowing the event organizer to set up a nominal fee, while the social aspect of the app allows attendees to view guest lists. The app already has 1,600 users—500 of them from IIT—and the student developers hope to grow the base and expand to more universities.

Interprofessional Projects Program (IPRO) brings together undergraduate and graduate students from various academic disciplines to work as a team in tackling a real-world problem.