Study participants needed: University Student Experiences


Student participants are needed for a psychology study investigating various aspects of the student experience and how it impacts their behaviors and feelings on campus.

The study is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time without any consequences. The study is a short survey (~ 20 minutes) that can be completed remotely from your current location. All answers to the survey will be completely anonymous and no identifying information will be collected from you.

Your participation will provide society with more knowledge about stress in schools and the effects it has on students. Your participation may provide evidence about the detrimental effects of a rigorous academic program in universities.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Before you make a decision, if you are under the age of 18 please do not participate in this study.

If you agree to participate, please click on the following online link that will lead you directly to the survey:

Questions about the study can be directed to Loretta Sutkus at