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  • Applied Mathematics

Associate Professor Greg Fasshauer won the 2007 CSL Excellence in Teaching Award during a luncheon held Nov. 16, 2007. Based on a combination of student reviews and colleagues' recommendations, the...

Dr. Sue Sitton, senior lecturer of Applied Mathematics, won the 2007 Julia Beveridge Award for faculty. The award is named for an extraordinary woman who served as the librarian of Armour Mission and...

April 24, 2008 About 115 guests heard Dr. Lloyd N. Trefethen of Oxford University speak at the second annual IIT Karl Menger Lecture and Award in the MTCC Ballroom on Monday April 14, 2008. Trefethen...

Associate Professor Xiaofan Li received the 2006 CSL Excellence in Teaching award, presented by Dean McMorris during a luncheon on Friday, Nov. 17 in the MTCC. Li brings the freshness of current...

Buckfest On Friday and Saturday, May 9-10, 2008, the Department of Applied Mathematics and College of Science and Letters hosted "BuckFest!: A Conference in Honor of F.R. 'Buck' McMorris," in...

On Friday and Saturday, May 9-10, 2008, the Department of Applied Mathematics and College of Science and Letters hosted "BuckFest!: A Conference in Honor of F.R. 'Buck' McMorris," in celebration of...

The SIAM Chapter and Math Club held a barbecue on Thursday, May 8, 2008, in the early afternoon. Many faculty and students enjoyed the event, and prizes were given out for math contest winners at IIT...

On Friday, May 2, 2008, Applied Mathematics IPRO 330 participated in IIT's Spring Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Day, which was held in Hermann Hall. The team took second place in its track, and...