Conference for F.R. "Buck" McMorris
On Friday and Saturday, May 9-10, 2008, the Department of Applied Mathematics and College of Science and Letters hosted "BuckFest!: A Conference in Honor of F.R. 'Buck' McMorris," in celebration of...
On Friday and Saturday, May 9-10, 2008, the Department of Applied Mathematics and College of Science and Letters hosted "BuckFest!: A Conference in Honor of F.R. 'Buck' McMorris," in celebration of...
The SIAM Chapter and Math Club held a barbecue on Thursday, May 8, 2008, in the early afternoon. Many faculty and students enjoyed the event, and prizes were given out for math contest winners at IIT...
On Friday, May 2, 2008, Applied Mathematics IPRO 330 participated in IIT's Spring Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Day, which was held in Hermann Hall. The team took second place in its track, and...
Math Club members at a meeting, Spring 2005 Jon Beagley is 2nd from left and Keith Campbell is 3rd from left Each year at the Illinois Section of the MAA (ISMAA) meeting, there is a student...
Christos Mitillos has been awarded a College of Science and Letters Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship to conduct 10 weeks of research with Assistant Professor Hemanshu Kaul this summer. One of...
A Society for Industry and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) student chapter recently formed in the Applied Mathematics department. The first graduate student organization in the department, the SIAM Student...
Senior Lecturer Charles Tier has been asked to serve a fourth term on the editorial board of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journal of Applied Mathematics as an Associate...
Associate Professor Tomasz Bielecki and Assistant Professor Hemanshu Kaul have been named to the editorial board of the European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Bielecki will serve as Area...
Fred J. Hickernell, Professor and Chair of Applied Mathematics, has been appointed an Associate Editor of Mathematics of Computation, a journal of the American Mathematical Society for the four-year...
Meshfree approximation methods are a relatively new area of research, and there are only a few books covering it at present. Whereas other works focus almost entirely on theoretical aspects or...