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  • Stuart School of Business

Join President Alan W. Cramb, Provost Frances Bronet, faculty, and staff as we celebrate the tradition of honoring distinguished faculty. On Monday, November 20, Illinois Tech Stuart School of...

John F. O. Bilson, John and Mae Calamos Stuart School of Business Dean Endowed Chair, has been profiled in VoyageChicago. The interview was featured in the publication's section on stories from...

Curious to learn more about graduate business programs at the Illinois Tech Stuart School of Business? Register to attend our Fall 2017 open house to get details on program admissions, application...

The paper “ Motivation and Performance of User-Contributors: Evidence from a CQA Forum” by Liad Wagman, Associate Professor of Economics, has been accepted for publication by Information Economics and...

John R. Twombly, Undergraduate Program Director and Clinical Professor of Accounting and Finance at the Stuart School of Business, was featured in a WalletHub article about business credit cards. Read...