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  • Stuart School of Business

“Pathways to Cleaner Production in the Americas I: Bridging Industry-Academia Gaps in the Transition to Sustainability,” by Weslynne Ashton, Assistant Professor of Environmental Management and...

Industry Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Nik Rokop was interviewed for an article in the Chicago Tribune about Recess Pitch, a national touring music and pitch festival that provides...

The article “Towards Transdisciplinarity: Liminality and the Transitions Inherent in Pluridisciplinary Collaborative Work” by Christine Miller, Clinical Associate Professor of Innovation, has been...

TEDxIIT—a world class, TED-like event hosted at Illinois Tech’s Mies (Main) Campus—will be held Sunday, April 10. Featured speakers include Stuart School’s Mike Gorham, Industry Professor of Finance...

Join us in congratulating Smriti Anand, Assistant Professor of Management, who is the recipient of this year's Stuart School’s teaching award. She joins several other Illinois Tech faculty recently...