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  • Stuart School of Business

Haizhi Wang, Associate Professor of Finance, recently published the paper "Social Trust and Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Qualified Institutional Investors in China" in the Journal of Financial...

Smriti Anand, Assistant Professor of Management, presented at the 2016 Consulting Psychology Conference in Orlando, Florida on February 7. Anand’s presentation, “The role of the leader in creating...

In November, two Stuart students attended Social Media Week, a week-long series of events that takes place in cities around the world. The events feature experts, iconic brands, and leading thinkers...

The paper “Accelerating the Global Adoption of Electric Vehicles--Barriers and Drivers”, by Ghazale Haddadian, Clinical Assistant Professor of Operations and Energy Management, has been accepted for...

Smriti Anand, Assistant Professor of Management, presented her paper “Individual Deals within Workgroups: The Role of Relative I-deals for Employee Performance” at the annual meeting of the Southern...