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  • Armour College of Engineering

Remember the Rubik’s Cube? The popular 3D toy puzzled kids throughout the 80′s. A student and inventor at the Illinois Institute of Technology put a 21st century spin on the Rubik’s Cube. http:/...

Please join us for a two-session Proposal Writing Workshop on November 6th and November 20th in the Perlstein Auditorium from 12:50-1:45pm, presented by our very own Dr. Bonnie Haferkamp from the...

Please join us for a lab safety workshop on November 14th in the Perlstein Auditorium from 12:50-1:45pm, presented by our very own Dr. Nader Aderangi from the Chemical and Biological Engineering...

MMAE is a home to 4 student organizations: AIAA-IIT, ASME, Material Advantage, and Graduate Student Advisory Council. All four were very active in the 2012–2013 school year with a variety of tours and...