A | |
Adafruit IDE (Device Drivers for Flora, Trinket) | learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-arduino-ide-setup/arduino-1-dot-6-x-ide | | CR001, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, TN110 |
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC | get.adobe.com/reader/ | | All labs |
Adobe Creative Cloud | www.adobe.com/education.html | | TN110, CR001, KI116 |
AGI STK | www.agi.com/products/stk | VCL | |
Altair Hyperworks | www.altair.com/hyperworks/ | | AM218 |
Anaconda3 | www.anaconda.com/download | | CLC, IT14C7 |
Android SDK | developer.android.com/studio | | IT14C7, PH218, SB112, SH237 |
Android Studio | developer.android.com/studio | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
ANSYS | www.ansys.com/academic/free-student-products | VCL | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Apache Netbeans IDE | | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
ArcGIS Desktop | desktop.arcgis.com/en/ | VCL | AM218 |
ArcGIS Pro | www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/products/arcgis-pro/overview | VCL | AM218 |
Arduino (Device Drivers for UNO R1, UNO R3, Micro) | www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/ | | CR001, TN110 |
Aspen Engineering Suite | www.aspentech.com/en/products/pages/aspenone-engineering | | PH218 |
Aspen Hysys | www.aspentech.com/en/products/engineering/aspen-hysys | VCL | |
AutoCAD | Installation instructions | VCL | CR001, AM218, IT14C7, KI116, SB112, SH237, TN110 |
AutoCAD Architecture | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
AutoCAD Civil 3D | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
AutoCAD Electrical | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218 |
AutoCAD Map 3D | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
AutoCAD Mechanical | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218 |
AutoCAD MEP | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218 |
AutoCAD Raster Design | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Autodesk 3DS Max Design | Installation instructions | VCL | TN110, CR001, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Autodesk Inventor Professional | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218, IT14C7, KI116, SB112, SH237 |
Autodesk Navisworks Manage | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218 |
Autodesk Navisworks Simulate | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218 |
Autodesk Recap | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218 |
Autodesk NetFabb Premium | Installation instructions | VCL | KI116 |
Autodesk Revit | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218, CR001, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, TN110 |
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional | Installation instructions | VCL | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
AWS Visio Stencils | aws.amazon.com/architecture/icons/ | | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
B | |
Bentley MicroStation | www.bentley.com/en/products/brands/microstation | VCL | AM218 |
BEopt | beopt.nrel.gov/dload | | AM218 |
Blender | www.blender.org/ | | TN110,CR001, SB112, AM218 |
Bluebeam Revu eXtreme | get.bluebeam.com | VCL | AM218 |
C | |
CFD0 | www.nist.gov/el/energy-and-environment-division-73200/nist-multizone-modeling/software-tools/cfdo-editor | | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
CONTAM | www.nist.gov/services-resources/software/contam | | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
D | |
Dassault Systemes | www.3ds.com | VCL | PH218 |
DAYSIM | N/A (site defunct) | | |
DIALux evo | www.dialux.com/en-GB/dialux | | AM218, SB112, SH237 |
DNRGPS | www.dnr.state.mn.us/mis/gis/DNRGPS/DNRGPS.html | | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Droid@ Screen | droid-at-screen.org/download.html | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
E | |
Eclipse | www.eclipse.org/downloads/ | VCL | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
EMS | www.emssoftware.com/ | VCL | |
Engineering Equation Solver | fchartsoftware.com/ees/ (Subject to availability) | | AM218 |
F | |
Firefox | www.mozilla.org/ | VCL | All labs |
ForestPackLite | fchartsoftware.com/ees/ (Subject to availability) | | CR001, TN110 |
G | |
GIMP | www.gimp.org/ | | SH237 |
Git | git-scm.com/downloads | | CLC, CR001, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, TN110 |
Google Atom | atom.io/ | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Google Chriome | www.google.com/chrome | VCL | All labs |
Google Earth Pro | www.google.com/earth/versions/ | | AM218 |
GrabCAD | grabcad.com/ | | KI116 |
Greenfoot | www.greenfoot.org/download | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
GreenHeck Sizing Coil | www.greenheck.com/resources/software/coil-software-selection-program | | AM218 |
H | |
Haskell Platform | www.haskell.org/platform/windows.html | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
I | |
IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics | www.ibm.com/us-en/marketplace/spss-advanced-statistics/details | VCL | AM218, CLC, CR001, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, TN110 |
IBM SPSS Modeler Premium Desktop | www.ibm.com/products/spss-modeler | VCL | AM218, CLC, CR001, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, TN110 |
IES Virtual Environment | www.iesve.com/ | | AM218, SB112, SH237 |
IrfanView | www.irfanview.com/ | | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
IntelliJ IDEA | www.jetbrains.com/idea/ | | IT14C7,SB112,SH237 |
J | |
J2EE | www.oracle.com/java/technologies/appmodel.html | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Jamovi | www.jamovi.org/ | VCL | SB112 |
Java SE Development Kit | www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#java8 | | AM218,CLC, CR001, IT14C7, MTCC, PH218, SB112, SH237, TN110 |
JMP | www.jmp.com/en_us/home.html | | AM218, CLC, SB112, SH237 |
L | |
LabVIEW | www.ni.com/en-us/shop/labview/labview-details.html | VCL | AM218, PH218 |
LEGO Mindstorms | education.lego.com/en-us/downloads/mindstorms-ev3/software | | KI116 |
M | |
MasterCAM | www.mastercam.com/ | VCL | |
MATLAB | | VCL | TN110, CR001, AM218, PH218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, CLC |
MATLAB Toolbox - Chebfun | www.mathworks.com/ (In MATLAB app) | VCL | TN110, CR001, AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
MATLAB Toolbox - SPM | www.mathworks.com/ (In MATLAB app) | VCL | TN110, CR001, AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Microsoft Office Professional Edition | www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/get-started-with-office-2019 | VCL | All labs |
Microsoft Project Professional | www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/project/project-management-software | VCL | All labs |
Microsoft Visual Studio Code | code.visualstudio.com/ | | TN110, CR001, AM218, PH218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, CLC |
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise | visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/enterprise/ | VCL | TN110, CR001, AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, CLC |
Mplus | www.statmodel.com/ (Please see your instructor if needed) | | CLC |
N | |
NetBeans with the PHP plugin | netbeans.org/features/php/ | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
NetLogo | ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/ | | PH218 |
Node.js | nodejs.org/en/download/ | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Notepad++ | notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/ | | TN110, CR001, AM218, PH218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, MTCC, CLC |
O | |
P | |
Palisade DecisionTools Suite Industrial | www.palisade.com/decisiontools_suite/default.asp | VCL | CLC, IT14C7 |
PHP | www.php.net/downloads.php | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Power BI Desktop | powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/desktop/ | | IT14C7, CLC |
PowerWorld Simulator | www.powerworld.com/ | VCL | |
PTC Creo | www.ptc.com/en/products/cad/creo | VCL | |
PreForm | formlabs.com/software/ | | KI116 |
Primavera | www.oracle.com/industries/construction-engineering/primavera-p6/ | VCL | IT14C7 |
PuTTY | www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html | | TN110, CR001, AM218, PH218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, MTCC, CLC |
PyCharm Community Edition | www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows | | IT14C7, CLC |
Python | www.python.org/downloads/ | | TN110, CR001, AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Python Calendar/date utility | docs.python.org/3/library/calendar.html | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
Q | |
QGIS | qgis.org/en/site/ | | IT14C7,SB112,SH237 |
QtSpim | spimsimulator.sourceforge.net/ | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
R | |
R | www.r-project.org | | TN110, CR001, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, CLC |
Radiance | www.radiance-online.org/ | | |
Respondus LockDown Browser (Lab Edition) | web.respondus.com/he/lockdownbrowser/ | | TN110, CR001, AM218, PH218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, MTCC, CLC |
Rhinoceros (Including Plugins) | www.rhino3d.com/
Plugin list: Anemone, Biomorpher, Bowerbird, Cheetah, Elefront, Element, Firefly, Fox, geco, ghPython, Grasshopper, Heteroptera, Honeybee, HoopSnake, IntraLattice, Ivy, Kangaroo Physics, Karamba, Ladybug, Lunchbox, Mesh+, MeshEdit, Nudi Branch, Panelling Tools, Quelea, RhinoCAM , Shortest Walk, Slingshot, Smart Form, TT Toolbox, Vray, Weaverbird | VCL | TN110, CR001, SB112, SH237 |
RStudio Desktop | rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237, CLC |
S | |
SAP2000 | www.csiamerica.com/products/sap2000 | VCL | AM218, SB112, SH237 |
SAS Education Analytical Suite | www.sas.com/en_us/software/education-analytical-suite.html | VCL | CLC |
Scribus | www.scribus.net/ | | SH237 |
Sefaira for Revit | sefaira.com/tag/sefaira-for-revit/ | VCL | AM218 |
Siemens Sinumerik | new.siemens.com/global/en/products/automation/systems/cnc-sinumerik/automation-systems/sinumerik-840.html | | FB105 |
Siemens Sinutrain | new.siemens.com/global/en/markets/machinebuilding/machine-tools/cnc4you/sinutrain-uebersicht.html | | FB105 |
SolidWorks | www.solidworks.com | VCL | SB112, SH237 |
SQL Developer | www.oracle.com/tools/downloads/sqldev-v192-downloads.html | | TN110, CR001, AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, CLC |
Steel Bank Common Lisp | www.sbcl.org/ | | IT14C7, SB112 |
T | |
THERM | windows.lbl.gov/software/therm | | AM218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |
TRACE 700 | www.trane.com/commercial/north-america/us/en/products-systems/design-and-analysis-tools/analysis-tools/trace-700.html | VCL | AM218 |
Trader Workstation | www1.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=13868 | | IT14C7, CLC |
Trimble Software Suite | www.trimble.com/ | VCL | |
U | |
Ultimaker Cura | ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura | | KI116 |
W | |
Wolfram Mathematica | www.iit.edu/ots/software/mathematica-students | VCL | TN110, CR001, AM218, PH218, IT14C7, SB112, SH237, CLC |
WUFI | wufi.de/en/ | | AM218 |
X | |
X-CTU | www.digi.com/products/embedded-systems/digi-xbee/digi-xbee-tools/xctu | | IT14C7, SB112, SH237 |