Training and Support

OTS is committed to providing the necessary support and training throughout this transition. Hence, we are partnering with the Center for Learning and Innovation, Academic Technology Services, and Paul V. Galvin Library to offer training. Please check back here for updates and new resources!

Training Materials

If you want to get ahead of the  scheduled in person training, or learn on your own at your own pace, please review training material below or visit Microsoft's Viva Learning platform. Be sure to be logged into your Illinois Tech Microsoft 365 account to use this platform! Also, please visit this Comparison of Applications resource to learn how Googles most utilized applications compare to our new Microsoft tools.

How to add a shared inbox I am part of:

  1. Go to your Outlook
  2. On the left pane, find "Folders"
  3. Right-Click on Folders, and find "Add Folder or Mailbox"
  4. Type your mailbox name, and add it

Microsoft 365 Applications Desktop (Windows and Mac)

Microsoft 365 Applications Mac Help

Microsoft 365 Applications Web  

Microsoft 365 Linux

  • Linux users can access Microsoft 365 applications through their web browsers. This includes Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, and Office Online (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).


Document Sharing


Viva Learning platform

Make sure you are logged into your M365 account to access Viva learning material. 

Training schedule

There are currently no trainings for M365 scheduled, check back here for more info!