What are the Immunization Requirements?
All students are required to provide proof of:
- Three-dose series of DTaP, or TD, with one dose being Tdap and one dose having been administered within the past 10 years. Given in 1-6 months intervals.
- Two-dose series of MMR (measles-mumps-rubella combined) given in 1 month intervals
- One meningococcal vaccine (if you are between the ages of 16 and 22)
International students, in addition, must have:
- One QuantiFERON or T-SPOT—(Illinois Tech requirement)—test should be taken after July 21, test prior to this date will not be acceptable.
Where Can I Go to Get Any Missing Vaccines?
Vaccines are given at most walk-in, take-care clinics. Your student health insurance will cover the full cost.
The closest facility to Mies Campus is:
- Walgreens, located at 3405 South King Drive, Chicago, IL 60616
The closest facility to Conviser Law Center is:
- CVS Pharmacy, located at 130 South Canal Street, Chicago, IL 60606
You may find additional facilities by going online at www.aetnastudenthealth.com/iit and clicking the "docfind" feature.
Submitting My Immunization Records
The Student Health and Wellness Center is pleased to announce Med + Proctor, an electronic medical clearance platform, as our new innovative strategy to monitor and collect your immunization information. As you know, Illinois state law requires documentation of childhood vaccines when entering a secondary institution. Med + Proctor is HIPAA- and FERPA-compliant.
This new strategy of monitoring immunization compliance will streamline your clearance and help you avoid unnecessary holds that prevent registration. This will allow you to focus on other important matters as you prepare for your successful tenure here at Illinois Tech.
How do you use Med + Proctor?
First, you will need to set up your hawk.iit.edu email account. Then, go to Illinois Tech Portal and log into your account. Then click on the Med + Proctor icon to register and start a new account. The website is user-friendly and instructions are easy to follow. Simply complete the required information and ensure that your immunization forms are fully completed, stamped, and signed by your medical provider. Simply upload your forms to the Med + Proctor site.
*There are no fees associated with obtaining Med + Proctor.
Do not bring or email your completed forms to the Student Health and Wellness Center. You must upload ALL forms to the Med + Proctor site.
Once you have submitted your immunization records to Med + Proctor , we will review them for compliance and communicate a successful approval or any needed action items through your Illinois Tech Portal email. It is important that you are checking your Illinois Tech Portal email portal for communication should you be out of compliance and need to submit any additional forms. You can also check the status of your account by clicking on the STATUS or MESSAGE tab at the top of your Med + Proctor page. We encourage you to submit your information as soon as possible. It takes 5-7 business days to be verified after you have completed this process.
If you have difficulty using Med + Proctor, you may contact them by:
- Browsing the help topics under Student Help
- Using the chat feature on the lower right side of the screen and emailing help@medproctor.com
NOTE: Remember that an immunization HOLD will be placed on your account, preventing registration.
Start this process as soon as possible to ensure there is no delay in registration.
Thank you!
Prior to Coming to the SHWC for Your Immunizations
If your insurance card is not available, you will need to wait until it is available to come in for any vaccines.
In the Patient Portal, please complete these four compliance forms:
- Consent for Services
- Privacy Practice
- Demographic
- Health History
Update your profile:
- Local address
- Local telephone number
- Emergency contact (in the United States)
Immunization Policy
- Students are expected to update their immunization records in Med + Proctor no later than the first week of classes.
- A registration hold will be placed on your account if there is not a valid or updated Immunization Verification Form on file for you and/or if you have been deemed "non-compliant." The hold will be active on the last date of the add/drop period.
- Registration holds will be lifted once you are determined to be in compliance with Illinois state law and the Illinois Tech immunization requirements.
Immunization-Related Forms
Medical Exemption Form and the Religious Exemption Form
If you have religious and/or medical exemptions, please submit the appropriate exemption form along with proper documentation to Med + Proctor. Remember to include your student CWID# on every attached document. Please click here for information regarding the exemption process.