Student Employment Office

Job Offer Letter Form

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What is this Form?

This form is completed by departments when international students need a social security letter, and in other special hiring circumstances.

The job offer letter is required by the Social Security Administration to apply for a SSN. Typically, this form is only used by departments when a student is ​not hired through the electronic payroll authorization form (EPAF) system, though there are a few exceptions (e.g.: TA/RA/GA students and ARC Supplemental Instructors).


Completing this form generates a letter in the form of a PDF that is automatically emailed to You will also receive a copy as confirmation.

If you are the submitter or supervisor, please Do Not print this letter. A copy of the SSA Offer Letter will be emailed to the Student Employment Office inbox. A copy of the SSA Offer Letter will be emailed directly to the student within two (2) to three (3) business days from when the form was submitted.​

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