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Over thirty Armour College of Engineering (ACE) undergraduate students have been participating in this summer’s Armour R&D program as part of the ACE Distinctive Education Program. Armour R&D is a...

Adjunct faculty JD Gershbein (M.B.A. ‘89) discussed the increasing power of social branding through LinkedIn in a guest blog post for Forbes, and recently spoke with Kelly Scanlon of Blog Talk Radio...

Earlier this month, IIT hosted the Pan African Youth in a multi-day visit focusing on entrepreneurial skill-building. Nik Rokop, Industry Professor of Entrepreneurship, helped welcome the 18 students...

Benjamin Van Vliet, Assistant Professor of Finance, participated as a panelist in the ORC Chicago Roadshow on May 21. Van Vliet (pictured with the President of ORC North America at podium) joined...