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Buckfest On Friday and Saturday, May 9-10, 2008, the Department of Applied Mathematics and College of Science and Letters hosted "BuckFest!: A Conference in Honor of F.R. 'Buck' McMorris," in...

On Friday and Saturday, May 9-10, 2008, the Department of Applied Mathematics and College of Science and Letters hosted "BuckFest!: A Conference in Honor of F.R. 'Buck' McMorris," in celebration of...

The SIAM Chapter and Math Club held a barbecue on Thursday, May 8, 2008, in the early afternoon. Many faculty and students enjoyed the event, and prizes were given out for math contest winners at IIT...

On Friday, May 2, 2008, Applied Mathematics IPRO 330 participated in IIT's Spring Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Day, which was held in Hermann Hall. The team took second place in its track, and...

Math Club members at a meeting, Spring 2005 Jon Beagley is 2nd from left and Keith Campbell is 3rd from left Each year at the Illinois Section of the MAA (ISMAA) meeting, there is a student...

A Society for Industry and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) student chapter recently formed in the Applied Mathematics department. The first graduate student organization in the department, the SIAM Student...

Ming-Dao High School Taichung, Taiwan Ming-Dao High School, established in 1969, a highly regarded private school in Taiwan is seeking science and language arts teachers. Ming-Dao is a junior high...

MSED partnered with 25 of 38 Chicago Public High Schools schools by helping CPS build its capacity to successfully teach biology, chemistry and physics. MSED initially began working with seven schools...