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Cleversafe Inc. announced last week the launch of its Academic dsNet program, a collaborative undertaking to engage the industry's next generation of bright young scientists, engineers and designers...

Igor Cialenco, assistant professor of applied mathematics, was honored with the 2011 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research/Scholarship at a banquet held last fall. Cialenco won for his...

Industrial Technology and Management is pleased to announce the 2011-12 award of the Irving M. Footlik Scholarship to Anthony DiValerio, a transfer student from Oakton Community College who began his...

Four students from Industrial Technology and Management (INTM) competed in the Third Annual Chicago Case Competition hosted by The Association for Operations Management (APICS) on October 18, 2011 and...

INTM faculty will facilitate 8 IPROs (Interprofessional Projects). The projects include: IPRO 304 Integration of Process Improvements (Will Maurer with Sheldon Mostovoy/MMAE) IPRO 306 Improving a...